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02-23-2025 06:11:48

Great Bay Democratic Club

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Great Bay Democratic Club?

    The Great Bay Democratic Club is a local political 501(c)(4) non-profit, organization affiliated with the Democratic Party, aimed at promoting democratic values and supporting Democratic candidates in the Great Bay area, Ocean County and New Jersey.

  • Why should I join?

    Joining our club offers numerous benefits and opportunities for personal growth, community engagement, and political impact.

  • What does the club do?

    The Great Bay Democratic Club engages in a variety of activities aimed at promoting democratic values, supporting Democratic candidates, and fostering civic engagement within our community.

  • How Do you Know That I’ve Voted?

    You can check your voter status by clicking on 'Voter Resources' in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

  • How do you support Democratic Candidates?

    We support candidates through a variety of activities and initiatives that aim to increase their visibility, mobilize voters, and provide resources for their campaigns.

  • How can I join?

    Go to the contact dropdown, at the top of this page, and click on 'Become a Member', it will tell you the ways you can join.