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Great Bay Democratic Club


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"New Jersey's Troubadour"

One of our members, Valerie Vaughn, “New Jersey’s Troubadour”, will be singing at the Tuckerton branch of the Library, March 30th, 2023 at 6:30pm.

For more info Click Here.

Dennis Sposato 2023-03-19 08:09:50, Post number = 45

Is this the last straw?

A man who swore to support the constitution when he was inaugurated president of the United States of America, has now called for the termination of that constitution.

“So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential election results of 2020 OUT and declare the Rightful Winner, or do you have a new election,” Trump posted. “A massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great Founders did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
If American Trump supporters cannot see, at this point, that this man is a fascist and wants to turn our country into an autocracy, and they still support him, they are embracing fascism. We see them for what they are.

Dennis Sposato 2022-12-05 06:14:52, Post number = 44

---------------Comment Added-------------

Is this the last straw?

Apparently it wasn't, since the republicans will make him their nominee for President,in the face of all the incredible anti-democratic things he has done.
What will it take for these people to wake up!

Dennis Sposato 2023-05-12 13:51:57, Post number = 44

Sample Ballots for the Nov. 8th Election.

A sample ballot can be gotten online by going to the County Clerk's website at Office of the Ocean County Clerk and choosing the Election Services tab. On the front page of Election Services, you'll see a link for "General Election Sample Ballots." Once there, choose the link for LEH, or another location if you're not in LEH.

Bob Golon 2022-10-31 09:13:48, Post number = 43

Today, the GOP is in a diseased state.

The the most urgent political task in 2022 is to defeat it in the hopes of eventually rebuilding it around its core, now lost values (family values and tradition, concerned with moral standards and civic character). The GOP today is much more conspiracy minded, anti-democratic, and anti-truth; it threatens “woman’s rights” and the state of sustaining election integrity and our democatic republic. Witness its prevailing anti-truth voices (Trump, Greene, Senators Johnson, Hawley, Perry and Cotton and of course the court jester Tucker Carlson) who have energized anti-truth candidates (Walker, Lake, Vance, Rubio) and a base around anger and grievances as a means to exact vengeance. Political change begins at the local level ("politics is local”). Yesterday I canvassed with a local mayoral candidate who literally knocked on doors urging her neighbors for a change. For those of us who desire to save our democracy and send the anti-truth party a clear message, canvas with your local candidate. We only have 21 days left.

Phil Nufrio 2022-10-17 08:51:33, Post number = 42

In-Person Early Voting Starts Oct. 29, 2022

Early, In-Person, voting will be open October 29, 2022 – November 6, 2022.

A few local voting locations:

Little Egg Harbor Township

Stafford Township

click HERE for more info!

Dennis Sposato 2022-10-16 07:10:10, Post number = 41

Picnic in the Park with the Great Bay Democratic Club

The Great Bay Democratic Club is hosting a “Picnic in the Park” on Saturday, October 15th, 2022 at A. Paul King County Park in Manahawkin, NJ.

We’re going to have food, beverages, live music, pumpkin painting and games for kids and grownups.

Click HERE for details.

You can get your tickets HERE

Dennis Sposato 2022-09-24 11:48:38, Post number = 40

"Value of Life"

Thought I'd share this cartoon from "Freethought Today".

Dennis Sposato 2022-09-06 08:09:50, Post number = 39

Donald Trump’s classified ad: LEGAL HELP WANTED!!!

Here's an article, by humor columnist Alexandra Petri, from the Washington Post that's fun reading.

Click HERE.

Dennis Sposato 2022-08-19 06:17:33, Post number = 38

Yearning for a Banana Republic

Here's a URL to an article that is "must" reading no matter your party affiliation.

Its title is "Yearning for a Banana Republic"

Click HERE to read the article.

Judy Berenson 2022-08-11 11:06:41, Post number = 37

Pancake Breakfast

Saturday, August 13, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Pancake Breakfast

Join the Berkeley Township Democratic Club

For a Yummy Fund-Raiser for this year’s candidate for
Ocean County Commissioner Roxanne Barnes.

Reservations a must!
RSVP To E-mail:
For the address and contact information.

Dennis Sposato 2022-08-09 09:49:28, Post number = 36